Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Tuesday 14th November 2017
After lots of number crunching we finally analysed our growing results today.
We had some really surprising results. It turned out that a lot of our high income crops were actually from established plants like trees and bushes. The Apples were a great seller as were the plums and medlars (can you find out what they are?!)…all in our top ten yield/income list.
When we analysed the vegetables we discovered that Rainbow chard was by far our highest earning crop. We then tried to reason why this might be. Possibly the soil is just right for rainbow chard or maybe we just set it somewhere where the pests couldn’t find it. It was also suggested that maybe the weather was just right for growing it this year!
One of our most disappointing crops were the tomatoes. After some thinking we decided that the biggest problem for the poly-tunnel is a lack of sunlight. The class suggested investigating different, more transparent covers but obviously this would be costly. Other suggestions were asking if we could trim the overhanging trees or simply investigating other crops or varieties of tomatoes that grow better in half light. It’s good to think and I’m sure we will come up with a good solution to improve our yield.
The market research group had a busy day trying to find the favourite fruit and veg for all the adults and children in school. It was no surprise that their completed bar charts showed that strawberries were the top choice for the children! The adult tastes at Wenhaston Primary School are a little more refined with Asparagus coming out on top! Food for thought when it comes to planning next year’s crop!!

Table completed by the Finance Team...thanks to Ty, Jessica and Freya


Rank Ord.er

Total Income

Rainbow Chard



Desert apples






Cooking Apples




































Tuesday 31st October 2017
From today a lot of our blogging will be handed over to our team from ‘Vegetables R Us’. Today’s guest bloggers are Alexis and Emily who will talk you though today’s happenings!
Today we have been promoting our ‘Vegetables R Us’ business. The class was split into four groups. One group is making a power point presentation to explain our business to Adults while the other three groups are making presentations for class 1, class 2 and class 3.
We hope that our presentations will help us to spread the word about our business as well as teach the younger children how they can join in and help us with our business as one day they will be doing what we are doing now!
Our finance team has been preparing our invoices to ensure we get paid by Adnams. After using lots of maths skills to work out our totals (we had time times the cost per kg by the weight of fruit or veg we had grown!) we discovered that we had made a grand total of £604.10 in 2017.
Some of the money we made is profit…you have to knock off the amount we have spent on poly tunnel covers, wood for raised beds and seeds to work this out. Now we can use the money to improve our garden and business and if there is any leftover we may be able to afford to buy something we can all use at school to improve our environment.
We are very proud of what we have achieved in our first, full growing year!!